Kindergarten Round-Up: The night you realize how much your life (and your child’s) is about to change. You realize your baby is about to leave the bubble you have put around him his whole life to enter the world of school….where sharing is key - germs, naughty words, books, and learning, of course.
Last night we went to Kindergarten Round-Up. It was really well run and not nearly as big of a deal as I thought. A pizza party kicked off the night. Myles was jazzed. It was hilarious to see him in action. We had some friends there, so he knew a few kids. Then, as his preschool class entered one at a time, he was thrilled. It was as exciting as he could have ever imagined. Friends, pizza, and KINDERGARTEN!! He told me four times while we were there that he can’t wait to do homework. Glad I have this in writing to read back to him someday. Only a kindergartener would wish for homework. He was able to go and play with his friends and complete an art project while the parents watched a presentation about the coming year. I can’t believe how many times they said during the presentation, “We don’t expect you to be able to remember all of this. We know it is a lot of information.” I’ll remember, don’t worry. We are the parents listening to what our kids will be experiencing next fall. We are paying attention.
I guess I’m still in shock that we will be doing the whole school thing next year. He is certainly ready, but how did it go so fast? It is so cliché that every mom talks about how fast the young years go. Sure, sure, sure. Blah, blah, blah. Yet, is it ever true. Just yesterday we were dealing with middle of the night feedings… cutting his paci…potty training…starting preschool…and the list goes on. This marks the end of those tiny years for him. Kindergarten is the start of a whole new era in his life. He will be a member of the class of 2025. Whoa. Weird. We’ll be the parents of a school-aged child with a whole new set of challenges. Hope we’re ready.
Awkward moment of our playtime outside: Myles asking very loudly if he could say hello to the man collecting sticks in his yard, which he proceeded to do very sweetly…to the lady picking up sticks.
I missed this one so good! He is so ready! You will be too once you get there!
ReplyDeleteThanks! :)